The City of Guin
Chamber of Commerce
The Guin Area Chamber of Commerce serves as an advocate organization for area businesses and our community.
If interested in joining the Guin Chamber of Commerce, the application can be found and sent to the address below.
Membership Dues Schedule
No. of Employess No. of Members Amount Due
Sole Proprietor 1 $25.00
1-10 1 $50.00
11-25 2 $125.00
26-50 3 $150.00
51-100 4 $200.00
101 and up 5 $250.00
Civic Organization 1 $50.00
Individuals 1 $25.00
Utilities 2 $250.00
Banks/Savings & Loans 2 $10/Mil in Dep
Churches 1 $50.00
Schools 1 $50.00
Guin Area Chamber of Commerce (a 501 c, 6 nonprofit corporation) membership dues may be tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. dues paid to the Chamber are not a charitable tax deduction for federal income tax purposes.
Board of Directors:
Chairman Tracy Hawkins
Past Chairman Stan Junkin
Treasurer Bethany Hightower
Board Members:
Jerry Hester
Tracy Hawkins
Bethany Hightower
Stan Junkin
David Matthews
Contact Information:
Tracy Hawkins
P.O. Box 249
Guin, AL 35563
Phone: (205) 468-2045