The City of Guin
City Court
The Guin Municipal Court is the Judicial Branch of the governing body of the City of Guin. The Court is part of the Alabama Unified Judicial System. The Municipal Court handles all traffic citations, municipal ordinance violations, and misdemeanor criminal arrests initiated by the Guin Police Department.
Court is held in the Assembly Room in Guin City Hall on the THIRD TUESDAY of the month at 3:00 p.m. This date is subject to change so refer to your ticket for your court date.
Court Clerk/Magistrate: Terri Dennis, guinidb@guinidb.org
Prosecutor: Matt LeDuke
Judge: Margaret Casey
All questions may be directed to the Guin Municipal Court
at the address and number listed below.
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 219, Guin, AL 35563
Physcial Address: 7500 US Hwy. 43, Guin, Alabama 35563
Phone: (205) 468-3835
Instructions for paying traffic offenses:
If you have been charged with a traffic offense in the city and would like to plead guilty and pay the fine you have these options. You may either mail the full amount indicated below and sign in the lower left hand corner on the back of your citation, in the block that says, "Defendant's Signature," and return to this address: Guin Municipal Court, P. O. Box 249 , Guin , AL 35563. No personal checks will be accepted for traffic violation payments. You may contact the Court for the fee associated with your offense. Send cashier's check or money made payable to Guin Municipal Court or click above to pay on-line.
Guin Municipal Court Traffic Violation Fees:
Driving on wrong side of road $188.00
Failure to dim headlights $168.00
Failure to use child restraint $183.00
Failure to wear safety belt $25.00
Failure to yield right of way $178.00
Following too closely $178.00
Improper backing $178.00
Improper breaks $178.00
Improper lights $178.00
Improper muffler $168.00
Improper or no rearview mirror $178.00
Improper passing $178.00
Improper signal $168.00
Improper tag $183.00
Improper tires $178.00
Improper turn $178.00
Improper window tinting $178.00
No helmet (motorcycle rider) $168.00
Operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license $233.00
Operating vehicle without insurance $208.00
Running red light $178.00
Running stop sign $178.00
Speeding: Less than 25 MPH over posted speed limit $178.00
25 MPH or more over posted speed limit $198.00
Stopping on highway $188.00
Violating drivers license restriction or endorsement. $218.00
Texting while driving $183.00
The following traffic violations require an appearance in court:
Driving while license suspended Passing a stopped school bus
Driving while license revoked Racing on the highway
Driving under the influence Reckless driving
Fine and court costs are subject to change without notice.
If you do not appear in court or your payment does not reach the court office by the court appearance date on your citation, YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE WILL BE SUSPENDED and a warrant issued for your arrest.
Frequently Asked Questions About Municipal Court Appearance:
Where is my court date on my traffic ticket?
When a traffic citation is issued the officer will fill in a date in the box titled "COURT APPEARANCE DATE" located at the lower left hand side of the citation, just above the defendant's signature. This date is considered by the court an arraignment date. On this date you will be informed by the Judge of what you are charged with and asked how you wish to plead to the charge.
How do I know my court date if I am arrested and taken into custody?
You will be required to post a bond before you are released from custody. The jailer will inform you of the bond requirements. Upon release you will be given a copy of the bond you signed with your court date filled in near the top portion of the bond.
What if I want a trial on my charges?
On your arraignment court date, when the Judge advises you of what you are charged with and how you wish to plead, you should answer you wish to plead "not guilty." You will be given a court order to report back to court on a future trial date when all parties involved in your case will be present and give their sworn testimony before the Judge.
What if I cannot appear on my court date?
Contact the Guin Municipal Court at the number listed above on this page.
What if I miss my court date?
If you miss your court date, you will be charged with failure to appear in court and in traffic cases you will get your driver license suspended. It is in your best interest to avoid missing your court date.
Drivers License Information:
You may pick up an Alabama Driver's Manual at Guin City Hall.
You must be at least 15 years old and pass a written test to obtain a learners permit. Be sure to have the proper documentation before you go
You must be at least 16 years old, have a learners permit and pass a driving test to obtain a valid drivers license. In order to obtain a driver’s license, you have to go to the Marion Co. State Troopers Office in Hamilton.
Marion County State Troopers Office Information:
Address: 4521 Military Street South, Marion, AL 35570
Phone: (205) 921-4743
Hours of Operation are Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.til 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. til 3:00 p.m.
Be sure to have the proper documentation before you go.
Everything is listed in the Alabama's Drivers Manual.
NOTE To have driver's license reinstated you must have all fines paid and then contact the Alabama Dept. of Public Safety
http://www.ador.state.al.us/motorvehicle/index.html - AL Motor Vehicle Department
https://www.alabamainteractive.org/dorpt/UserTagChoice.str - Reserve a tag
Click Here to pay on-line